Tag: Performance

The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby


The journey towards efficient parallelization in library development has often been based on using threads. As Karafka celebrates its eighth anniversary, it's become clear that while threads have served us well for many tasks, there's room to explore further. That's why I've decided to introduce forking capabilities into Karafka, aiming to offer another dimension of parallelization to its users. This move isn't about replacing threads but about providing options to cover a broader spectrum of use cases than before.

For those who wonder what Karafka is, Karafka is a Ruby and Rails multi-threaded efficient Kafka processing framework designed for building efficient and scalable message processing applications.

Objectives and Scope

This article isn't a deep dive into every aspect of Ruby's parallelism and concurrency. Instead, it's focused on illustrating how forking, as a specific capability, can be woven into the fabric of Ruby applications, with Karafka as our case study. The goal is to outline what it takes to integrate forking effectively - ensuring it's stable, robust, and ready for production environments.

While forking offers potent possibilities for the performance and scalability of Ruby applications, it comes with its challenges. This topic easily deserves a whole chapter in a book about Ruby; hence, please remember that I picked only the most relevant things in this article to paint a general picture of the subject.


A special thank you goes out to KJ Tsanaktsidis, a member of the Ruby core team. His deep knowledge, insights, and willingness to help have been invaluable as I navigated the complexities of adding forking capabilities to Karafka. His help is living proof of the spirit of MINASWAN.

Concurrency and Parallelism in Ruby

Before we dive deeper into Karafka Swarm details and code-base, here is a short introduction to Ruby concurrency for all the people not deeply involved in any of those matters.

Ruby's model for handling parallelism and concurrency is robust, offering developers multiple ways to execute tasks simultaneously or concurrently. It can, however, also be challenging. This flexibility is critical to optimizing application performance and efficiency. Among the tools Ruby provides are processes, threads, and fibers, each with distinct characteristics and use cases. Additionally, Ruby has introduced more advanced features like auto-fibers and a fiber scheduler to enhance concurrency management further.

Note: Ractors were skipped as they are not entirely usable at the moment.


Processes in Ruby are separate instances of running programs, each with its own allocated memory space. This isolation guarantees that processes do not interfere with each other, making them a reliable choice for parallel tasks. However, this comes at a higher cost of resource usage than threads and fibers.

# Fork a new process
child_pid = fork do
  # This block is executed in the child process
  puts "Child Process: PID=#{Process.pid}"
  # Child process does some work
  sleep 1 # Simulate some work by sleeping for 1 second

# This code is executed only in the parent process
puts "Parent Process: PID=#{Process.pid}, Child PID=#{child_pid}"

# The parent process waits for the child process to exit

puts "Child process #{child_pid} has finished."


Threads offer a way to perform concurrent operations within the same application instance, sharing the same memory space. While this makes data exchange between threads straightforward, it also introduces the need for careful synchronization to prevent issues like race conditions. Threads in Ruby are subject to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which we'll discuss next.

# An array to hold the threads
threads = []

# Create 5 threads
5.times do |i|
  threads << Thread.new do
    sleep_time = rand(1..3)
    puts "Thread #{i+1}: Sleeping for #{sleep_time} seconds..."
    puts "Thread #{i+1}: Woke up!"

# Wait for all threads to complete

puts "All threads have completed."

Fibers, Auto-Fibers, and Fiber Scheduler

Fibers are lightweight programming constructs that allow for more granular control over program execution. They enable cooperative multitasking within a single thread, where the developer manually controls when a fiber is paused or resumed. This provides a flexible way to handle tasks that can be interrupted or need to yield control frequently.

# Define a fiber to print numbers
numbers_fiber = Fiber.new do
  (1..3).each do |number|
    puts "Number: #{number}"

# Define a fiber to print letters
letters_fiber = Fiber.new do
  ('A'..'C').each do |letter|
    puts "Letter: #{letter}"

# Alternate between the two fibers
while numbers_fiber.alive? || letters_fiber.alive?

puts "Both fibers have finished their execution."

Ruby has introduced auto-fibers and the fiber scheduler, building on the concept of fibers. Auto-fibers automate the management of fibers, enabling asynchronous execution patterns that are simpler to implement and reason about. This is particularly useful for non-blocking I/O operations, where the Ruby runtime can automatically switch contexts instead of blocking the current thread, improving overall application throughput.

The fiber scheduler complements auto-fibers by providing a hook into Ruby's event loop, allowing developers to define custom scheduling logic. This is a powerful feature for those who need to integrate with external event loops or optimize their concurrency model for specific performance characteristics. Together, auto-fibers and the fiber scheduler significantly enhance Ruby's concurrency toolkit, offering developers sophisticated mechanisms for writing efficient, non-blocking code.

GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)

The GIL is a mechanism in Ruby designed to prevent multiple threads from executing Ruby code simultaneously, thereby protecting against concurrent access to Ruby's internal structures. While it simplifies thread safety, the GIL can limit the effectiveness of multi-threaded programs on multi-core processors, particularly for CPU-bound tasks. However, for I/O-bound tasks, Ruby threads can still offer significant performance improvements.

Below, you can find a simple example that attempts to perform CPU-bound operations using threads. The GIL ensures that only one thread can execute Ruby code at a time, which means CPU-bound operations won't see a significant performance improvement when run in parallel threads, unlike I/O-bound operations.

require 'benchmark'

def fib(n)
  n <= 2 ? 1 : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

# Measure the execution time of two threads performing CPU-bound tasks
execution_time = Benchmark.measure do
  thread1 = Thread.new { fib(35) }
  thread2 = Thread.new { fib(35) }


puts "Execution time with GIL: #{execution_time.real} seconds"

Multi-Process Communication API selection

To support a swarm of processes, one must figure out how they can be controlled and managed. Managing processes and ensuring their smooth operation in the Linux ecosystem is fundamental to system administration and application development. However, traditional process management relies heavily on process identifiers (PIDs) and has limitations and challenges. One such challenge is PID reuse, where after a process terminates, its PID can be reassigned to a new process. This behavior can lead to issues where actions intended for one process mistakenly affect another. To address these concerns and enhance process management capabilities, Linux introduced the concept of pidfd.

What is pidfd?

pidfd stands for PID file descriptor. A mechanism introduced in Linux 5.3 provides a more stable and reliable way to reference and manage processes. Unlike traditional PIDs, which the system can reuse, a pidfd is a unique file descriptor for a specific process instance. This means that as long as you hold the pidfd, it uniquely identifies the process, eliminating the risks associated with PID reuse.

The introduction of pidfd was motivated by the need to safely manage long-lived processes and perform operations without the risk of affecting unintended processes due to PID reuse. This is especially important in environments with high process churn, where PIDs can quickly be recycled.

The Problem with PIDs

Before pidfd, processes were managed and signaled using their PIDs. However, due to the finite and recyclable nature of PIDs, two major issues arose:

  1. PID Reuse: Once a process exits, its PID can be reassigned to a new process. A program storing PIDs for later use could mistakenly signal a completely unrelated process.

  2. Race Conditions: When a PID is checked and an action is taken (like sending a signal), the original process could terminate and the PID reassigned, leading to unintended consequences.

These issues necessitated a more stable reference to processes, leading to the development of pidfd.

Below is a theoretical case demonstrating how a Ruby script uses signals to communicate with processes identified by PIDs. This example highlights the risks associated with PID reuse and race conditions, where a signal intended for a specific process might inadvertently affect another process if the original PID has been reassigned.

# Fork a new process
child_pid = fork do
  # Child process will sleep for 5 seconds
  sleep 5

# Parent process waits for a moment to ensure the child process starts
sleep 1

# Send a "SIGUSR1" signal to the child process
puts "Sending SIGUSR1 to child process #{child_pid}"
Process.kill("SIGUSR1", child_pid)

# Wait for the child process to exit

# Now let's simulate PID reuse by forking another process that might reuse the same PID
another_child_pid = fork do
  # This process does something else
  sleep 5

# Assuming the original child PID got reused (simulating PID reuse)
# Here we try to signal the original child process again, not knowing it's a different process now
puts "Attempting to send SIGUSR1 to original child PID (now potentially reused): #{child_pid}"
  Process.kill("SIGUSR1", child_pid)
rescue Errno::ESRCH
  puts "Process with PID #{child_pid} does not exist anymore."

Ruby and PidFd

Ruby's process management capabilities, while robust, traditionally revolve around PIDs. Ruby allows sending signals to processes using their PIDs but does not provide built-in APIs for pidfd operations. This gap means that Ruby applications can only directly leverage the benefits of pidfd with additional mechanisms.

I implemented a pidfd layer using Ruby's Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to bridge this gap. FFI is a way to call C functions and use C data structures from Ruby, enabling direct interaction with the lower-level system APIs that support pidfd. This implementation was an exciting challenge, as I don't often need to dive deep into Linux's signal tables and syscalls.

This implementation will receive its own blog post, and for now, all you need to know about it is the fact that Karafka ships with a relatively simple API comprised of only three methods and an initializer:

pid = fork { sleep }

# Fetch from Linux the pidfd of the child (can be any other process)
pidfd = Karafka::Swarm::Pidfd.new(pid)

# Check if given process is alive
pidfd.alive? #=> true
# Kill it
# Collect it so there is no zombie process
# Check again and see that it is dead
pidfd.alive? #=> false

Karafka Swarm: A Perfect Match for Scalability

In my experience with Karafka, it's clear that while most user workloads are I/O-bound, involving operations like DB storage or cache updates, a significant portion - about 20% - are CPU-intensive. These tasks, involving heavy deserialization and computations, didn't fit with Karafka's multi-threaded model, which is more suited for I/O-bound tasks. Users often had to run multiple independent processes for CPU-heavy workloads, leading to unnecessary memory overhead. Recognizing this inefficiency, I decided to do something with it.

Swarm Architecture

When starting a project like this one, it is good to have an initial idea of what you want to achieve. Karafka is a critical component of many businesses, so the solution had to be robust and stable. Here are a few of the things that need to be taken into consideration when deciding on the architecture of such a solution:

  • Supervision Model
  • Zombie Processes
  • Orphaned Processes
  • Shutdown Procedure
  • Processes Communication
  • Memory Management
  • Load Balancing
  • Errors Handling
  • Signals Handling
  • Resources Cleanup

I've decided to pick an architecture that centers around a supervisor-worker model. At its core, the supervisor acts as the central command, orchestrating the execution of child node workers. These workers are responsible for parallel processing messages from Kafka topics, each operating in its own process space.

This design allows for a scalable and fault-tolerant system where the supervisor monitors and manages worker processes, ensuring that they perform optimally and restart them as necessary. By isolating work to individual processes, Swarm mitigates the risk of a single point of failure, enhancing the reliability of the application.

Challenges with Forking and librdkafka

Karafka relies under the hood on librdkafka - a C library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol. A significant challenge in implementing the Swarm architecture is the inherent limitations of librdkafka regarding forking. librdkafka is not fork-safe. This limitation necessitates careful management of how and when processes are forked and how librdkafka is initialized and used within these processes.

To navigate these challenges, I decided to ensure that librdkafka instances are never pre-fork present. This involved initializing librdkafka only within the child processes after a fork, ensuring that no librdkafka objects or handles are shared across process boundaries. This approach maintains the integrity of the message processing pipeline, ensuring data consistency and system reliability.

Below, you can see an example code and how it behaves when rdkafka-ruby (the C binding layer that I also maintain) producer is being used from forks:

producer = Rdkafka::Config.new('bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092').producer
producer.produce(topic: 'a', payload: 'b')

fork do
  producer.produce(topic: 'a', payload: 'b')

Ruby VM will crash upon usage or sometimes even just presence of a librdkafka initialized entity in a fork.

Forking Strategies

That is why, initially, when I thought about adding swarm capabilities to Karafka, I thought about a relatively simple approach of forking nodes during the supervisor startup. This would save me from any resource management risk and allow me to use librdkafka from the supervisor post-fork.

However, I quickly realized this approach would not work in production in case of child-only incidents like VM crashes or critical errors. I had to develop a strategy that would allow me to control and manage processes during the whole time Karafka was supposed to run.

Supervision and Memory Leak Control

One of the challenges in managing a multi-process system is controlling memory leaks. While Karafka does not have known memory leaks, it can also integrate with applications that may have their issues. Karafka's supervisor monitors the memory usage of child processes to mitigate potential memory leaks, taking corrective action when usage patterns indicate a possible leak.

Here's the simplified code Karafka uses to monitor and report memory leaks to the supervisor. It compares the RSS with the configured max allowed, and if we go beyond it, it notifies the supervisor.

class LivenessListener
  # This method  is triggered every 5 seconds in each node
  def on_statistics_emitted(_event)
    # Skip if we are not a forked node
    return unless node

    # Fetch current process health status
    current_status = status

    # Report
    current_status.positive? ? node.unhealthy(current_status) : node.healthy


  def status
    return 3 if rss_mb > @memory_limit

    0 # This status means all good

  def rss_mb
    kb_rss = 0

    IO.readlines("/proc/#{node.pid}/status").each do |line|
      next unless line.start_with?('VmRSS:')

      kb_rss = line.split[1].to_i


    (kb_rss / 1_024.to_f).round

Processes Management

Karafka's Swarm architecture supervisor plays a critical role in managing child processes. It is responsible for monitoring the health of these processes, restarting them as needed, and ensuring that they are performing their tasks efficiently. The supervisor uses signals to communicate with child processes, managing their lifecycle from startup to shutdown.

Health checks are periodically conducted to ensure that each child's process is responsive, and messages are processed as expected. These checks are essential for maintaining the system's overall health, allowing the supervisor to take preemptive action to restart or replace workers who are not functioning correctly.

Each node is responsible for reporting its health periodically and indicating if its behavior deviates from the expected one configured by the developer.

The supervisor process uses signals to send control commands to child nodes, which allowed me to have unified control API whether using swarm or not. The child nodes use pipes to report their health status to the supervisor. This design choice leverages the strengths of both communication mechanisms appropriately for their respective tasks.

Why Pipes for Health Reporting?

  • Reliability and Order: Data transmitted through pipes is read in the order it was sent, ensuring accurate and consistent health monitoring.
  • Buffering: Pipes can buffer data, allowing child nodes to report health even when the supervisor is temporarily unable to read, preventing data loss and non-blocking operations.
  • Ease of Use: Ruby's abstraction over pipes simplifies their integration and use, allowing for straightforward data transmission without delving into complex IPC mechanisms.
  • Isolation and Safety: Separating control commands (via signals) from health data (via pipes) enhances system robustness by preventing interference between control and data flows.

Working with pipes has many benefits:

  • Pipes support structured and reliable communication, essential for detailed health reporting.
  • The buffering and non-blocking nature of pipes contribute to efficient system performance.
  • The ordered transmission ensures that health data integrity is maintained, aiding in precise system monitoring and decision-making.

This combination of signals for control and pipes for health reporting aligns with Karafka's design philosophy, ensuring efficient, reliable, and clear communication between the supervisor and child nodes.

Below, you can find an example of parent-child pipe-based communication.

# Create a pipe
reader, writer = IO.pipe

if fork
  # Parent process
  writer.close # Close the writing end in the parent, as we'll only read

  puts "Parent is waiting for a message from the child..."
  message_from_child = reader.read
  puts "Parent received a message: #{message_from_child}"

  Process.wait # Wait for the child process to exit
  # Child process
  reader.close # Close the reading end in the child, as we'll only write

  sleep 1 # Simulate some work
  puts "Child sending a message to the parent..."
  writer.puts "Hello from your child process!"

  writer.close # Close the writer to signal we're done sending

Since the supervisor receives reports, all it has to do is iterate over all the nodes, check them, and take appropriate actions if needed. While the whole code can be found in the Karafka repository, here's the most important part that I find rather self-descriptive:

def control
  @nodes.each do |node|
    if node.alive?
      next if terminate_if_hanging(node)
      next if stop_if_not_healthy(node)
      next if stop_if_not_responding(node)
      next if cleanup_one(node)
      next if restart_after_timeout(node)

This code is executed in regular intervals, and each time, there is a system change to any of the child nodes. It ensures that whatever happens to any of the child nodes does not go unnoticed.

Glueing Things Together

In this article, I aimed to avoid delving into every nitty-gritty detail or pasting all the code snippets here. Instead, I focused on providing a high-level overview since the complete implementation details are readily available on GitHub for those interested in diving deeper. After integrating and refining all the necessary functionalities, I emerged with the following set of components:

  • Karafka::Swarm::Supervisor - Acts as the orchestrator that initiates and monitors forks through a monitoring system. It's responsible for the orderly shutdown of all processes, including itself. In the event of any node failure, it ensures the node is restarted.

  • Karafka::Swarm::Pidfd - This component encapsulates the Linux pidfd functionality within a Ruby wrapper, facilitating communication within the Swarm. It offers a more stable and resource-efficient alternative to traditional PID and PPID management combined with signal-based communication.

  • Karafka::Swarm::Node - Represents an individual forked process within the swarm, providing an API for managing forks and checking their status. While it serves slightly different purposes in the supervisor and the forked processes, its primary functions include facilitating information exchange with the supervisor and ensuring processes do not turn into zombies or become orphaned.

  • Karafka::Swarm::Manager - Similar to the thread manager but dedicated to managing processing nodes within the swarm. It oversees the initialization of nodes and monitors their behavior. If a node behaves unexpectedly, the manager attempts a graceful restart, escalating to forceful termination if necessary. Designed to operate within the supervisor.

  • Karafka::Swarm::LivenessListener - A monitoring component that periodically signals to the supervisor, ensuring it's aware that the system is responsive and not hanging. It also vigilantly checks if a node has become an orphan, terminating the process if necessary to maintain system integrity.

Overall, I think that the implementation I ended up with is quite compact and elegant, providing all the necessary components for robust and stable operations.

Future Directions

As the one behind Karafka, I often say that the framework is only about 30% complete in terms of my vision for its capabilities. I envision a vast landscape of features and improvements for this ecosystem, especially from a processing and data manipulation standpoint. Two key focus areas are the integration of ractors and the more innovative use of auto-fibers, each poised to enhance how Karafka handles data streams.


Ruby, while not the fastest language, offers a rich set of concurrency primitives that, when utilized effectively, can achieve impressive performance for both CPU and I/O-intensive tasks.

The ongoing development of my framework, alongside Ruby's evolving concurrency model, presents a promising landscape for developers aiming to achieve peak application performance. As the Ruby core team pushes the boundaries of what's possible with Ruby, I hope Karafka will be able to incorporate these advancements for the benefit of its users.

Reduce your method calls by 99.9% by replacing Thread#pass with Queue#pop

When doing multi-threaded work in Ruby, there are a couple of ways to control the execution flow within a given thread. In this article, I will be looking at Thread#pass and Queue#pop and how understanding each of them can help you drastically optimize your applications.

Thread#pass - what it is and how does it work

One of the ways you can ask the scheduler to "do something else" is by using the Thread#pass method.

Where can you find it? Well, aside from Karafka, for example in one of the most recent additions to ActiveRecord called #load_async (pull request).

Let's see how it works and why it may or may not be what you are looking for when building multi-threaded applications.

Ruby docs are rather minimalistic with its description:

Give the thread scheduler a hint to pass execution to another thread. A running thread may or may not switch, it depends on OS and processor.

That means that when dealing with threads, you can tell Ruby that it would not be a bad idea to switch from executing the current one and focusing on others.

By default, all the threads you create have the same priority and are treated the same way. An excellent illustration of this is the code below:

threads = []

threads = 10.times.map do |i|
  Thread.new do
    # Make threads wait for a bit so all threads are created
    sleep(0.001) until threads.size == 10

    start = Time.now.to_f

    10_000_000.times do
      start / rand

    puts "Thread #{i},#{Time.now.to_f - start}"


# for i in {1..1000}; do ruby threads.rb; done > results.txt

on average, the computation in each of them took a similar amount of time:

The difference in between the fastest and the slowest thread was less than 8%.

However, when one of the threads "passes," things change drastically:

threads = []

threads = 10.times.map do |i|
  Thread.new do
    sleep(0.001) until threads.size == 10

    start = Time.now.to_f

    10_000_000.times do
      Thread.pass if i.zero?

      start / rand

    puts "Thread #{i},#{Time.now.to_f - start}"


Now, thread zero takes twice as much time as other threads doing the same job.

What is worth pointing out is that this method does not stop the execution flow by itself, and it just suggests to Ruby that there may be other more important things to do.

Exactly this behaviour was used by Jean Boussier in ActiveRecord:

def schedule_query(future_result) # :nodoc:
  @async_executor.post { future_result.execute_or_skip }

This code schedules a background job and suggests to the scheduler that it may be worth doing that or other things somewhere else.

It is worth mentioning, that when all the threads use the Thread#pass, it becomes a colossal burden to the Ruby VM. Ruby goes crazy since none of the threads wants to do any work and the execution time increases over 100 times.

Queue#pop - What it is and how does it work

Queue is a well known class and #popis one of the most important methods it contains.

Here is what Ruby docs say about the Queue class and the #pop method:

The Queue class implements multi-producer, multi-consumer queues. It is especially useful in threaded programming when information must be exchanged safely between multiple threads. The Queue class implements all the required locking semantics.

#pop: If the queue is empty, the calling thread is suspended until data is pushed onto the queue. If non_block is true, the thread isn't suspended, and ThreadError is raised.

When asked about queues, most programmers think about workers consuming jobs from a queue:

numbers = Queue.new

threads = 10.times.map do |i|
  Thread.new do
    while number = numbers.pop
      result = Time.now.to_f / number

      # a bit of randomness
      sleep(rand / 1_000)

      puts "Thread #{i},#{result}"

10_000.times { numbers << rand }

# see what I did here? ;)
Thread.pass until numbers.empty?



What is worth keeping in mind about Queue#pop is that it will block the execution in a given thread until there is something to do. This means, that a blocked thread becomes almost "invisible" from the performance perspective. Here's an example of running computations with 0 , 4, 9 and 99 blocked threads:

queue = Queue.new


THREADS.times do
  Thread.new { queue.pop }

# Wait until all the threads are initialized
Thread.pass until queue.num_waiting == THREADS

start = Time.now.to_f

10_000_000.times do
  start / rand

puts Time.now.to_f - start

As you can see, inactive threads do not have a big impact on the overall performance of this code. Even with 99 extra threads, the end result is not far away from the baseline.

Reducing method calls in a multi-threaded environment

Now that you know what Thread#pass and Queue#pop do, lets put them to work in a real use case. For that to happen we will be looking into the Karafka framework.

Karafka is a framework used to simplify Apache Kafka-based Ruby applications development that I built. The version 2.0 supports work distribution across multiple threads. The way it works from a data processing perspective is quite simple:

1. Take some data from Kafka
2. Divide it into processing units (jobs)
3. Put all the jobs into a queue
4. Wait for all the workers to pick the jobs and finish all the work
5. Repeat endlessly

Assuming an endless stream of data available, this can be pretty much modelled as followed:

queue = Queue.new


THREADS.times do |i|
  Thread.new do
    loop do
      data, task = queue.pop

def wait_for_jobs_to_finish(queue)
  Thread.pass while queue.num_waiting < THREADS || !queue.empty?

def data
  Array.new(10) { rand }

task = ->(data) { data * 2 }

100_000.times do
  data.each { queue << [_1, task] }


And this is how the listener loop together with jobs distributions was implemented by me initially.

When benchmarked in regards to the number of times Thread#pass was executed on a pass-through benchmark (where we measure max throughput), things looked solid.

Despite increased number of iterations, we would not wait more often per iteration. What that means, is that our jobs were short enough for them to finish prior to Ruby returning to the wait loop.

Things become much more interesting if we assume that our jobs take more time than Ruby gives them before thread execution is interrupted. Then things start to look differently:

# Same code as before but the job has a bit of sleep simulating IO
task = ->(data) { sleep(rand(9..11) / 10000.0) }

Assuming we burn around 1ms per job, the number of passes skyrockets:

That's over 1000 times more invocations of the same method!

In a case, where we would run heavy queries of around 100ms (+/- 10%) per job, we end up with following results per iteration:

That means, that Ruby had to run #Thread#pass over 180 000 times on average for nothing!

When optimizing any code, it is good to establish the primary use case for its usage. In the case of Karafka, while raw throughput is important, it is more about complex jobs being able to use the GVL release strategy to allow parallel work execution upon IO.

So, is there a better way to make Ruby wait patiently on all the jobs to be done? There is: Queue#pop. Since it is thread-safe, we can use it to notify the main thread that the given job has finished. It won't eliminate useless runs, but it will reduce them so much that they, in fact, will become insignificant. Since we know how many jobs we've enqueued, we know how many times we need to #pop:

queue = Queue.new
lock = Queue.new


THREADS.times do |i|
  Thread.new do
    loop do
      data, task = queue.pop
      lock << true

def wait_for_jobs_to_finish(dispatched, lock)
  dispatched.times { lock.pop }

def data
  Array.new(10) { rand }

task = ->(data) { data * 2 }

100_000.times do
  data.each { queue << [_1, task] }

  wait_for_jobs_to_finish(data.size, lock)

The lock.pop will stop the execution of the main thread until each job is done. This means that we increase the number of stops with an increased number of threads. However, this correlation is linear and the end result is orders of magnitude smaller than when using Thread.pass.

Here's the same benchmark with a number of Queue#pop calls that replaced Thread#pass for non-sleep case:

The number of Queue#pop invocations equals the thread number. It is independent of jobs types or any other circumstances. So the longer jobs are, the bigger the improvement:

This change not only reduced the number of calls by over 99.994% but it also drastically lowered CPU utilization, which is visible especially for cases with extensive IO (here simulated with sleep):


So, is one better than the other? No. They should be used in different cases and to achieve different goals.

Thread#pass should not be used to defer work but rather to provide a hint to Ruby, that there may be more important things that it could focus on.

Queue#pop on the other hand can act not only as a component of a queue but also as a part of multi-threaded applications flow control.

Concurrency is not easy. Thread management and selection of proper methods are as crucial as understanding your primary use-cases and building correct benchmarks. Sometimes minor tweaks can provide tremendous benefits.

Note: this post would not be possible without extensive help from Samuel Williams. Thank you!

Cover photo by Chris-HÃ¥vard Berge on Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) . Image has been cropped.

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