Tag: apache kafka

Karafka framework 1.2.0 Release Notes (Ruby + Kafka)

Note: These release notes cover only the major changes. To learn about various bug fixes and changes, please refer to the change logs or check out the list of commits in the main Karafka repository on GitHub.

Note: 1.2 release is the last release that will require ActiveSupport to work.

Code quality

I will start with the same thing as with 1.1. We're constantly working on having a better and easier code base. Despite many changes to our code-base stack, we were able to maintain a pretty decent offenses distribution and trends.

It's worth pointing out, that we're now using more extensively many components of the Dry-Rb ecosystem and we love it!


This release brings significant performance improvements allowing you to consume around 40-50k messages per second per single topic. We could do a bit more (around 5-10%) by using symbols as defaults for metadata params key names, but this would bring up a lot of complexity and confusion since JSON parsing returns string keys. It would also introduce some problematic incompatibilities when using additional backend engines that serialize the whole params_batch and deserialize it back.

Karafka is a complex piece of software and benchmarking it can be tricky. There are many use-cases that need to be considered. Some of them single threaded, some of them multi-threaded, some with a non-parsed data rejections and some requiring multiple-thread interactions. That's why it is really hard to design a single benchmark that will be able to compare multiple Kafka + Ruby frameworks in a fair way.

We've decided not to go that way, but rather compare new releases with the previous once. Here are the results of running the same logic with 1.1 and 1.2 multiple times (the more the better):

For some edge cases, Karafka 1.2 can be up to 3x faster than 1.1.

If you are looking for some cross-framework benchmark results, they are available here.


Controllers are now Consumers

Initial versions of Karafka were built with an idea, that we could ignore the transportation layer when working with data. Regardless whether it was an HTTP request, Kafka message or anything else, as long as the data is in a compatible format, we should not have to adapt our business logic to it.

That was the primary reason, why prior to Karafka 1.2 you would put logic in controllers that inherited from ApplicationController or KarafkaController. And this was a mistake.

More and more companies use Karafka within a typical Ruby on Rails stack in which controllers are meant to be Rails controllers. Less experienced developers that encounter Karafka controllers within Rails app/controllers namespace would often end up trying to use some Rails controllers API specific magic without realizing that they're within Karafka controller scope. To eliminate this problem and to match Kafka naming conventions, the processing units that are responsible for feeding you with Kafka data are being renamed to Consumers and from now on, there are no controllers in the Karafka ecosystem.

# Within app/consumers
class UsersCreatedConsumer < ApplicationConsumer
  def consume
    params_batch.each { |params| User.create!(params['user']) }

New instrumentation engine using Dry-Monitor

Note: Dry-Monitor usage requires a separate article. Here's just a brief summary of what we did with it.

Old Karafka monitor was too magical. It would auto-detect the context in which it is invoked, automatically building notification scopes and doing a lot of other things. This was really cool but it was:

  • Slow
  • Hard to maintain
  • Bug sensitive
  • Code change sensitive
  • Not isolated from the rest of the system
  • Hard to use with custom tools like NewRelic or Airbrake
  • Limited when it comes to instrumenting with multiple tools at the same time
  • Too custom to be easily replaced

We are proud to announce, that from now on, Dry-Monitor is the instrumentation backbone of the whole Karafka ecosystem. Here's a simple example of what you can achieve using it:

Karafka.monitor.subscribe 'params.params.parse.error' do |event|
  puts "Oh no! An error: #{event[:error]} occurred!"

and to be honest, possibilities are endless. From simple logging, through in-production performance monitoring up to multi-target complex instrumentation. Please refer to the Monitoring and logging section of Karafka Wiki for more details.

Dynamic Karafka::Params::Params parent class

Karafka is designed to handle a lot of messages. Each incoming message is wrapper with a lazy evaluated hash-like object. Prior to 1.2, each params object was built based on ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess. Truth be told, it is not the fastest library ever (benchmark details here), especially when compared to a PORO Hash:

Common Hash#[] access:  8306261.5 i/s
Common Hash#fetch access:  6053147.2 i/s - 1.37x slower
HashWithIndifferentAccess #[] String:  3803546.0 i/s - 2.18x slower
HashWithIndifferentAccess#fetch String:  1993671.6 i/s - 4.17x slower
HashWithIndifferentAccess#fetch Symbol:  1932004.0 i/s - 4.30x slower
HashWithIndifferentAccess #[] Symbol:  1422367.3 i/s - 5.84x slower
Hash#with_indifferent_access #[] String:   470876.8 i/s - 17.64x slower
Hash#with_indifferent_access #fetch String:   414701.6 i/s - 20.03x slower
Hash#with_indifferent_access #fetch Symbol:   410033.7 i/s - 20.26x slower
Hash#with_indifferent_access #[] Symbol: 381347.2 i/s - 21.78x slower

Now imagine that in some cases, we create 50 0000 objects like that per second. This had to have a serious impact on the framework performance. As always, there needs to be a trade-off. Should we go with a Hash in the name of performance or should we use HashWithIndifferentAccess for the sake of the "simplicity"? We will let you choose whatever you find more suitable.

For that reason, we've provided a config params_base_class setting that you can use to set up the base params class from which Karafka::Params::Params will inherit. By default, it is a plain Hash.

require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access'

class App < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    # Other settings...
    # config.params_base_class = Hash
    config.params_base_class = HashWithIndifferentAccess

Keep in mind, that you can use other base classes like for example concurrent hash for your advantage. The only requirement is that it needs to have the same API as a Ruby Hash.

System callbacks reorganization with multiple callbacks support

Note: This will be unified with a one set of events that you will be able to hook up to in 1.3 using Dry-Events.

Due to the fact, that some of the things happen in Karafka outside of consumers scope, there are two types of callbacks available:

- Lifecycle callbacks - callbacks that are triggered during various moments in the Karafka framework lifecycle. They can be used to configure additional software dependent on Karafka settings or to do one-time stuff that needs to happen before consumers are created.
- Consumer callbacks - callbacks that are triggered during various stages of messages flow

You can read more about them and how to use them in the Callbacks wiki section.

before_fetch_loop configuration block for early client usage (#seek, etc)

This new callback will be executed once per each consumer group per process before we start receiving messages. This is a great place if you need to use Kafka's #seek functionality to reprocess already fetched messages again.

Note: Keep in mind, that this is a per process configuration (not per consumer) so you need to check if a provided consumer_group (if you use multiple) is the one you want to seek against.

class App < Karafka::App
  # Setup and other things...

  # Moves the offset back to 100 message, so we can reprocess messages again
  # @note If you use multiple consumers group, make sure you execute #seek on a client of
  #   a proper consumer group not on all of them
  before_fetch_loop do |consumer_group, client|
    topic = 'my_topic'
    partition = 0
    offset = 100

    if consumer_group.topics.map(&:name).include?(topic)
      client.seek(topic, partition, offset)

Rewritten NewRelic client

Thanks to NewRelic kindness, we were able to rewrite the whole listener that now can collect various information about the Karafka data flow. It is super easy to use and extend. You can find it in the Monitoring and Logging wiki section.

Key and/or partition key support for responders

You can now provide key and/or partition_key when using responders:

module Users
  class CreatedResponder < KarafkaResponder
    topic :users_created

    def respond(user)
      respond_to :users_created, user, key: user.id

Alias for client#mark_as_consumed on a consumer level

Simple yet powerful. For max performance, you may use manual offset commit management. If you do that, you can now use the #mark_as_consumed directly, without having to refer to the #client object.

class UsersCreatedConsumer < ApplicationConsumer
  def consume
    params_batch.each { |params| User.create!(params['user']) }
    mark_as_consumed params_batch.last

Incompatibilities and breaking changes

Controllers are now Consumers

Please refer to the features section with this one. It is both a feature and a breaking change at the same time.

after_fetched renamed to after_fetch to normalize the naming convention

class ExamplesConsumer < Karafka::BaseConsumer
  include Karafka::Consumers::Callbacks

  after_fetched do
    # Some logic here

  def consume
    # some logic here

is now:

class ExamplesConsumer < Karafka::BaseConsumer
  include Karafka::Consumers::Callbacks

  after_fetch do
    # Some logic here

  def consume
    # some logic here

received_at renamed to receive_time to follow ruby-kafka and WaterDrop conventions

received_at params key is now receive_time. This means that two timestamp values are available for each params object:

  • receive_time - the moment message was received by our Karafka process
  • create_time - the moment our message was created in the producer

Hash is now the default params base class in favor of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess

Long story short: performance and fewer dependencies. You can still use it though:

require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access'

class App < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    # Other settings...
    config.params_base_class = HashWithIndifferentAccess

All metadata keys are strings by default

Since now the default params class is a Hash, we had to pick either symbols or strings as key names for all the metadata attributes. We've decided to go with strings as they are more serialization friendly and cooperate with various backends used with Karafka.

Note: If you use HashWithIndifferentAccess, nothing really changes for you.

def consume
  params_batch.first.keys #=> ["parser", "partition", "offset", "key", "create_time", ...]

JSON parsing defaults now to string keys

Since there is no indifferent access by default, when lazy parsing the JSON Kafka data, it will default to string keys that will be merged to the params object. If you're not planning to use the HashWithIndifferentAccess make sure that your code-base is ready for this change.

Karafka 1.1:

class UsersCreatedConsumer < ApplicationConsumer
  def consume
    # Assuming user data is in the 'user' json scope
    params_batch.each do |params| params[:user] #=> { name: 'Maciek' }
      params['user'] #=> { name: 'Maciek' }
      params['receive_time'] #=> 2018-02-27 18:53:31 +0100

Karafka 1.2:

class UsersCreatedConsumer < ApplicationConsumer
  def consume
    # Assuming user data is in the 'user' json scope
    params_batch.each do |params| params[:user] #=> nil
      params['user'] #=> { name: 'Maciek' }
      # Note, that system keys are strings as well
      params['receive_time'] #=> 2018-02-27 18:53:31 +0100

Configurators removed in favor of the after_init block configuration

What were configurators? Let me quote 1.1 wiki on that one:

For additional setup and/or configuration tasks you can create custom configurators. Similar to Rails these are added to a config/initializers directory and run after app initialization.

Due to a changed lifecycle of Karafka process, more things are being built dynamically upon boot. This means that in order to run initializers in a good way, we would have to control the load order in a more granular way. That's why this functionality has been replaced with an after_init callback declaration:

class App < Karafka::App
  # Setup and other things...

  # Once everything is loaded and done, assign Karafka app logger as a Sidekiq logger
  # @note This example does not use config details, but you can use all the config values
  #   to setup your external components
  after_init do |_config|
    Sidekiq::Logging.logger = Karafka::App.logger

Note: you can have as many callbacks of any type as you want to. They also can be objects as long as the respond to a #call method.

Karafka ecosystem gems versioning convention

Karafka is combined from several independent libraries. The most important are:

  • Karafka - The main gem that is used to build Karafka applications that consume messages
  • WaterDrop - WaterDrop is a standalone Karafka component library for generating Kafka messages
  • Capistrano-Karafka - Integration for deployment using Capistrano
  • Karafka Sidekiq Backend - an optional proxy that will pass messages received from Karafka into Sidekiq jobs

Some Karafka users had problems using mismatched versions of those gems. From now on, they all will be released in sync up to the second version point. It means that if you decide to use Karafka 1.2 with other ecosystem libraries, you should match them to 1.2.* as well.

Note: This should be resolved automatically as we locked all the proper versions within gemspec, but still worth mentioning.


Our Wiki has been updated accordingly to the 1.2 status. You probably may want to look at the rewritten Monitoring and logging section and the new Testing guide that illustrates how you can test various Karafka ecosystem components.

Upgrade guide

Controllers are now Consumers

Following steps are required to move from controllers:

  • 1. Create app/consumers directory
  • 2. Rename ApplicationController (or KarafkaController) to ApplicationConsumer / KarafkaConsumer
  • 3. Move the ApplicationController and all Karafka controllers to app/consumers
  • 4. Rename files and classes by replacing "Controller" with "Consumer"
  • 5. If you use callbacks, don't forget about Karafka::Consumers::Callbacks
  • 6. Do exactly the same with your specs/tests
  • 7. Replace the controller consumers groups definition in the karafka.rb file with consumer
  • 8. Rename all the "Controller" with "Consumer" in the karafka.rb file

Karafka, WaterDrop and friends version match

This should be resolved automatically but if you prefer, you can always lock all the Karafka ecosystem gems in your gemfile:

gem 'karafka', '~> 1.2'
gem 'karafka-sidekiq-backend', '~> 1.2'
gem 'capistrano-karafka', '~> 1.2'

Ruby on Rails HashWithIndifferentAccess params compatibility mode

If you still want to use HashWithIndifferentAccess, feel free to:

require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access'
class App < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    # Other settings...
    # config.params_base_class = Hash
    config.params_base_class = HashWithIndifferentAccess

Default monitor and logger update

Please refer to the Monitoring and logging Wiki section for details of the way both of those things work now. If you used the default monitoring and logging without any customization, all you need to do is add this to your karafka.rb file after the setup part:


NewRelic client update

If you use our NewRelic example client, please take a look at the new one and upgrade accordingly.

Callbacks rename

class ExamplesConsumer < Karafka::BaseConsumer
  include Karafka::Consumers::Callbacks
  # Rename this
  after_fetched do
    # Some logic here

  # To this
  after_fetch do
    # Some logic here

Karafka params received_at renamed to receive_time

Again, just a name change: if you use 'received_at' params timestamp, you'll enjoy it under the 'receive_time' key.

Getting started with Karafka

If you want to get started with Kafka and Karafka as fast as possible, then the best idea is to just clone our example repository:

git clone https://github.com/karafka/karafka-example-app ./example_app

then, just bundle install all the dependencies:

cd ./example_app
bundle install

and follow the instructions from the example app Wiki.

Kafka on Rails: Using Kafka with Ruby on Rails – Part 2 – Getting started with Rails and Kafka

  1. Kafka on Rails: Using Kafka with Ruby on Rails – Part 1 – Kafka basics and its advantages
  2. Kafka on Rails: Using Kafka with Ruby on Rails - Part 2 - Getting started with Rails and Kafka

Kafka Docker local setup

Before we proceed with combining Kafka with Ruby, it would be good to have a workable local Kafka process. The easiest way to do that is by using our docker-compose.yml present in Karafka:

git clone git@github.com:karafka/karafka.git
cd karafka
docker-compose up

To check that it works, you can just telnet to it:

telnet 9092
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Getting started with Karafka framework

Karafka is a framework used to simplify Apache Kafka based Ruby and Rails applications development. It provides a higher-level abstraction, that allows you to focus on your business logic development, instead of focusing on implementing lower level abstraction layers. It provides developers with a set of tools that are dedicated for building multi-topic applications similarly to how Rails applications are being built.

As README states:

  • You can integrate Karafka with any Ruby-based application.
  • Karafka does not require Sidekiq or any other third party software (apart from Kafka itself).
  • Karafka works with Ruby on Rails but it is a standalone framework that can work without it.
  • Karafka has a minimal set of dependencies, so adding it won't be a huge burden for your already existing applications.
  • It handles processing, using multiple threads, so it will utilize your CPU better (especially for IO-bound applications).

The way you should start with Kafka and Karafka heavily depends on your system state. I always recommend a different approach for tackling the already existing complex systems and for greenfield applications, especially those that don't use Rails at all.

Brownfield system initial integration

Note: This introduction aims to get you going as fast as possible with sending messages. A broad description on decomposing an already existing Rails application will be provided in one of the upcoming posts in this series.

One of the easiest ways to get started with Kafka and Karafka in an already existing (and often complex) system is by introducing a simple messaging layer that will broadcast events to the Kafka cluster. This approach has several advantages:

  • You can get familiar with the stack without bigger changes to your system.
  • It's easier.
  • It does not require much configuration and setup.
  • You won't have to change your deployment process as messaging can happen from any Ruby process you run, like: Puma processing, Sidekiq process, Resque process, etc.

To do so, you need to install Karafka and use it initially only to produce messages. You can consider this to be an intermediate step in between not having Karafka and having it running on a full-scale.

In order to use it, you need to add this to your Gemfile:

bundle add karafka

and run

bundle exec karafka install

The above command will create all the necessary files and directories to get you started.

After that, you should be able to send messages. To check, that everything works as expected, just try to deliver a single message with a sync producer:

# Karafka producer is thread-safe and can be used from any place in the code
Karafka.producer.produce_sync(topic: 'my-topic', payload: 'message')

Note: It's a really good idea to disable a topic auto-creation for the Kafka production cluster. Typos happen to everyone. You can read more about Kafka brokers configuration options here.

Fresh start with a greenfield system

When you don't need integration with your current stack or you already send messages and want to consume them from a separate application, you can start easily with a clean installation:

mkdir app_dir
cd app_dir
echo "source 'https://rubygems.org'" > Gemfile
echo "gem 'karafka'" >> Gemfile

bundle install
bundle exec karafka install

The karafka install command will create all the files and directories that are required to run Karafka server process. The most interesting file is the karafka.rb file that contains all the configuration details and will contain your routing details to match consumers with proper Kafka topics.

Summary - Getting started is easy!

This part of the series wasn't really long. Karafka is well written and adding it to the stack is not a big problem. And because Kafka messages are immutable, sending messages is a great way to start working with it.

One thing that I can suggest to you at the end of this article, is not to throw yourself in at the deep end by implementing producing and consuming at the same time (especially if you don't have experience with Kafka). Quite often, the initial concept and vision related to the processing flow may change after some modeling. Broadcasting without consumption gives you a really good playground to test your ideas without any risk.

Stay tuned :-)

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