Sidekiq is a great background processing tool that can be used with many applications deployed on the same server. In order to make it work without any issues or collisions, you need to define namespace for each Sidekiq process group within single application. To do so, you need to create an initializer that will contain both: server connection details and a namespace name:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.redis = { url: 'redis://localhost:6379', namespace: 'my_app_name_production' } end Sidekiq.configure_client do |config| config.redis = { url: 'redis://localhost:6379', namespace: 'my_app_name_production' } end
Keep in mind, that you need to provide both url and namespace for client and server. I like to hook it up with SettingsLogic gem:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.redis = System::Settings.sidekiq.redis end Sidekiq.configure_client do |config| config.redis = System::Settings.sidekiq.redis end
After you deploy all the apps, you can also easily check if everything is working, by simply executing redis console:
$: redis-cli
and running following command:
redis> keys *NAMESPACE*
For example:
redis> keys *api* 1) "youtube_api_v2_production:stat:failed:2014-07-04" 2) "youtube_api_v2_production:MIA-VPS-VM0974:770" 3) "facebook_api_production:processes" 4) "facebook_api_production:queues" 5) "twitter_api_production:MIA-VPS-VM0974:32655" 6) "youtube_api_v2_production:queues" 7) "facebook_api_production:stat:processed" 8) "youtube_api_v2_production:stat:processed:2014-07-04" 9) "youtube_api_v2_production:stat:processed" 10) "youtube_api_v2_production:processes" 11) "facebook_api_production:MIA-VPS-VM0974:459" 12) "facebook_api_production:stat:processed:2014-07-04" 13) "twitter_api_production:stat:processed:2014-07-04" 14) "twitter_api_production:stat:processed" 15) "twitter_api_production:processes" 16) "twitter_api_production:queues" 17) "youtube_api_v2_production:stat:failed"
Above you can see multiple queues for multiple namespaced apps.