If your exceptions aren't exceptions but expectations, you're doing it wrong. Here's an example what programmers tend to do:
def validate_status(user) case user.status when 'active' then return user when 'inactive' then fail InactiveUserError when 'invalid' then fail InvalidUserError when 'deleted' then fail DeletedUserError else fail UnknownUserStatusError end end begin validate_status(user) rescue InactiveUserError # do something rescue InvalidUserError # do something else rescue DeletedUserError # do something else 2 rescue UnknownUserStatusError # do something else 3 end
I've seen also few cases, when exceptions parameters were used to pass objects that the programmer was later on working with!
As you can see, the whole flow of this piece of code is handled with exceptions. In this post I will focus on a performance reason why it is bad, (but if you're interested in how to refactor code like this, at the end of this post you will find some external links about that. That's why I've prepared a simple benchmark
require 'benchmark' elements = [0, 1] big_ar = (1..10000).to_a TIMES = 100000 Benchmark.bmbm do |x| x.report('break') do TIMES.times do elements.each do |i| break end end end x.report('catch throw') do TIMES.times do catch(:benchmarking) do elements.each do |i| throw(:benchmarking) end end end end x.report('catch throw heavy') do TIMES.times do catch(:benchmarking) do elements.each do |i| throw(:benchmarking, big_ar) end end end end x.report('fail') do TIMES.times do begin elements.each do |i| fail StandardError end rescue end end end x.report('fail heavy') do TIMES.times do begin elements.each do |i| fail StandardError, big_ar, {} end rescue end end end x.report('raise') do TIMES.times do begin elements.each do |i| raise StandardError end rescue end end end x.report('raise heavy') do TIMES.times do begin elements.each do |i| raise StandardError, big_ar, {} end rescue end end end end
ruby benchmark.rb user system total real break 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.040243) catch throw 0.080000 0.000000 0.080000 ( 0.082100) catch throw heavy 0.080000 0.000000 0.080000 ( 0.082422) fail 0.300000 0.000000 0.300000 ( 0.298863) fail heavy 0.470000 0.000000 0.470000 ( 0.476829) raise 0.300000 0.000000 0.300000 ( 0.305635) raise heavy 0.480000 0.000000 0.480000 ( 0.475377)
And this is how it looks on a chart:
Based on this benchmark we can see following things:
- Catch/throw performance is not influenced by the size of passed attribute - it doesn't matter if we pass a huge structure or a simple object
- Performance of fail and raise is almost equal, for both normal and heavy case
- Fail/raise can be up to 12 times slower than break
- Fail/raise can be up to 6 times slower than catch/throw
So, from the performance point of view, handling flow with exceptions can be much more expensive than in other ways. Exceptions are heavy because they are exceptions. They aren't suppose to happen all the time, that's why the implementers of compilers nor the designers of the language focus on their performance.
If you've noticed code like this in your apps, here are some great blog posts on how to fix that: