After updating Ruby from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3, Gruff stopped working. When I was trying to generate charts, it would throw following exception:
ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0 ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/base.rb:1066:in `label' ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/base.rb:590:in `setup_graph_measurements' ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/base.rb:532:in `setup_drawing' ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/base.rb:508:in `draw' ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/line.rb:53:in `draw' ./gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/base.rb:493:in `to_blob'
How to fix this?
If you look into Gruff source code, you will see, that the error occurs in label method:
def label(value) label = if ((@spread.to_f % @marker_count.to_f == 0) || !@y_axis_increment.nil?) value.to_i.to_s elsif @spread > 10.0 sprintf("%0i", value) elsif @spread >= 3.0 sprintf("%0.2f", value) else value.to_s end parts = label.split('.') parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{THOUSAND_SEPARATOR}") parts.join('.') end
As you can see (or not) it happens, that the @marker_count variable is equal 0. When it happens, we try to divide by zero and the ZeroDivisionError exception is raised. To prevent this from happening, we need to patch this method (until the proper fix is released). Lets overwrite this method:
module Gruff class Base def label(value) label = if @marker_count.to_f == 0 value.to_i.to_s elsif ((@spread.to_f % @marker_count.to_f == 0) || !@y_axis_increment.nil?) value.to_i.to_s elsif @spread > 10.0 sprintf("%0i", value) elsif @spread >= 3.0 sprintf("%0.2f", value) else value.to_s end parts = label.split('.') parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{THOUSAND_SEPARATOR}") parts.join('.') end end end
Thats all. First we check if @marker_count is equal 0 and if so, we return the whole value casted to integer. The rest of method stays the same.