Tag: errors

Errbit + HTTPS: Setting up Errbit reporter (Airbrake v4 gem) to work with self-signed HTTPS Errbit

Warning: This post is outdated and this fix will work only with old Airbrake version (v4) - it does not work with the v4 version of Airbrake notifier. If you're looking for a solution for Airbrake v5, please refere to this post: Errbit + HTTPS: Setting up Errbit reporter (Airbrake v5 gem) to work with self-signed HTTPS certificate

Having an error catcher like Errbit behind SSL is generally a good idea. Especially when Errbit is hosted on a different server than you application (for example when you manage multiple apps with one Errbit instance). In many cases you will have a self-signed certificate (why would you pay for a cert for internal tool). If you try to use it with Airbrake, you will see following error:

2.1.0 :002 > Airbrake.notify Exception.new('test')
** [Airbrake] Unable to contact the Airbrake server. HTTP Error=SSL_connect 
   returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
** [Airbrake] Environment Info: [Ruby: 2.1.0] [Rails: 4.0.4] [Env: production]
** [Airbrake] Failure: NilClass
** [Airbrake] Environment Info: [Ruby: 2.1.0] [Rails: 4.0.4] [Env: production]
** [Airbrake] Notice details: 
  exception: test
  api_key: key
  backtrace: (irb):2:in `irb_binding'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/workspace.rb:86:in `eval'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/workspace.rb:86:in `evaluate'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/context.rb:380:in `evaluate'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:492:in `block (2 levels) in eval_input'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:624:in `signal_status'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:489:in `block in eval_input'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:247:in `block (2 levels) in each_top_level_statement'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:233:in `loop'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:233:in `block in each_top_level_statement'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:232:in `catch'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:232:in `each_top_level_statement'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:488:in `eval_input'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:397:in `block in start'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:396:in `catch'
/lib/ruby/2.1.0/irb.rb:396:in `start'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:90:in `start'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:9:in `start'
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands.rb:62:in `<top (required)>'
bin/rails:4:in `require'
bin/rails:4:in `<main>'

In order to make it work you need to disable SSL verification for Ruby:


Of course keep in mind, that it will disable SSL verification for all other libs as well.

Whole Errbit config should look like this:

Airbrake.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'api_key'
  config.host    = 'errbit.domain'
  config.port    = 443
  config.secure  = true
  config.ignore_only = ['ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound']
end if Rails.env.production?


Rails 3 + Paperclip + Errors, Errors, Errors ;)

Testując dzisiaj paperclipa, okazało się że mimo tego że na gicie jest branch dla Rails3, to niestety nie działa on zbyt dobrze.

Wprawdzie działa on przyzwoicie jeśli przesyłamy poprawne pliki (typ, rozmiar), jednak gdy zaczynamy "się bawić", Paperclip sypie m.in. takimi błędami:

can't convert nil into Integer
An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
 #<Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: /tmp/stream,9641,0.zip is not recognized by the 'identify' command.>

Rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest zainstalowanie Paperclipa jako pluginu, nie jako gema. Wiem że nie jest to ani zbyt eleganckie ani zgodne z drogą obraną przez Rails3, jednak póki co ważniejsze jest że działa ;)

Nowe wersje z branchu Rails3, jak i z branchu dla Rails2, nie działają! Jeśli chcesz odpalić Paperclipa w Rails3 - pobierz wersję Następnie podmień w pliku paperclip.rb RAILS_ROOT na Rails.root.

Nowe wersje z mastera działają na Rails3 bez zarzutu (ale niestety nie na każdym systemie - nie mam pojęcia od czego to zależy).

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