Category: Security

RubyGems dependency confusion attack side of things

Note: This article is not to deprecate any of the findings and achievements of Alex Birsan. He did great work exploiting specific vulnerabilities and patterns. It is to present the RubyGems side of the story and to reassure you. We actively work to provide a healthy and safe ecosystem for our users.

After reading the Dependency Confusion: How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft and Dozens of Other Companies I felt, that the Ruby community requires a bit of explanation from people involved in RubyGems security assessment. So here it is.

It's you who is responsible for the security of your software, and bugs do exist

First of all, let me remind you that your system security should never rely solely on other people's OSS work. In the end, it will be your system that will get hacked. Secondly, any software has bugs, whether we're talking about Bundler, RubyGems, Yarn, or any other piece of code.

Looking at this incident as someone heavily involved with making the Ruby ecosystem secure, RubyGems did everything right.

Does RubyGems allow for malicious packages?

Starting from September 2020, Alex has uploaded gems used for his research. Diffend spotted them, and each of the findings was reported to the RubyGems security team.

RubyGems security team assessed each of them, going through the source codes to ensure they were not malicious. And they were not. The reason why they were allowed to stay is that:

  1. A security researcher uploaded them that we knew of.
  2. They included a description and reasoning why they do what they do (see here).
  3. Several people from RubyGems checked them to ensure they were not doing any harm.

RubyGems policy regarding gems is simple:

As long as the gem is not doing any harm or is not misleading in a harmful way, it won't be removed.

Thousands of gems download things upon being installed, run compilers, and send requests over the internet. For some advanced cases, there is no other way.

It is a constant race

We inspect gems and take many countermeasures to ensure the whole ecosystem's safety. While we cannot promise you that we will catch every single attack ever, we are making progress, and we are getting better and better with our detection systems.

Even the day I'm writing this article, we've yanked (removed) 8 gems that were a build-up for a more significant scale attack.

It is not about RubyGems only but also about Bundler

Bundler is a complex piece of code. The resolving engine needs to deal with many corner-cases. Security of resolution is the most important thing, but other factors like correctness and speed are also important.

While we do not know the exact way of installing those gems, our gut feeling is that they might have been resolved "incorrectly". "Incorrectly," however, indicates that they were resolved in an invalid way. At the same time, it may turn out that they were resolved exactly as expected but not as the end-user/programmer wanted. It might be, that it was due to this bug. That is, "dependency of my dependency will be checked in RubyGems."

I use private gems, please help!

If you use private gems with private dependencies, you can do few things at the moment:

  1. Most important: Update Bundler once the patch is released.
  2. Most important: Update Bundler to the 2.2.10 version.
  3. Always use Bundler source blocks to ensure that private gems can only come from private sources. If your private gems depend on other private gems, you may need to declare those gems in the private source block as well.
  4. Setup a tool like Diffend and create rules that will block Bundler from using RubyGems as a source for gems that match your internal gems naming conventions.
  5. Mirror RubyGems and upstream only gems you are interested in + your own.
  6. [workaround] Book the gems names in RubyGems (althought this may also be a potential insight for hackers into internal naming conventions of your company).


So yes, there was a bug in Bundler (fixed in 2.2.10), but at the same time, if it was not for explicit permission from the RubyGems security team, those gems would have been yanked soon after they were released. That's why in this particular case, I would rather say that those companies got "researched" rather than hacked.

This incident made RubyGems reconsider the "no harm" policy, and it may be subject to change in the near future.

Cover photo by Jan Hrdina on Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Diffend – OSS supply chain security and management platform for Ruby

I’m incredibly excited to announce a security platform for managing Ruby gems dependencies:

This platform is a result of my involvement in Ruby security matters for years. It all started in early 2018 with a tool to review gems versions diffs. While working on it, I've noticed that there's much more that needs to be handled. Versions diffing while inevitable, by itself is insufficient, that's why we've built this platform.

Getting started

If you're just interested in the gems diffing, go to and select any gem and versions you want to view. New releases for all the gems are computed in real-time, but for some of the older ones, you will have to wait a bit.

You can also use a shiny new link available on each RubyGems gems page to review changes against the previous release of the same gem:

If you would want to run a more thoughtful assessment, you can either run this script in your application main directory:

ruby <(curl -s

or if you are like me and do not want to run scripts from the internet, you can just follow the super short manual with setup instructions here.

If something is not clear or you have any questions, please contact us at our Slack workspace with this invitation link or drop us a line at

What does it do?

In short, Diffend allows you to:

  1. Review changes in between gems releases before you upgrade based on the gems content itself,
  2. Block attempts of even downloading potentially unwanted gems and their versions,
  3. Manage third party dependencies within your organization,
  4. Ensure OSS licensing consistency in your organization,
  5. Get insights on vulnerabilities, memory leaks and licensing problems of your dependencies,
  6. Make dependency audits a part of your workflow,
  7. Get real-time notifications about any new risks that occur in your production systems (coming soon)

It also runs certain types of heuristics and checks to pinpoint potentially "interesting" releases for further semi-manual inspection.

Why do we need it?

OSS supply chain attacks are becoming a more and more common thing. Looking at RubyGems or npm, there are plenty of examples of packages getting hijacked and malicious versions being uploaded. There were already several attacks that were detected and stopped thanks to Diffend and RubyGems close cooperation.

If you just update dependencies without checking them, you’re not actually sure of what you’re putting into production. You should not trust what’s on Github. An attacker can upload something to a registry without pushing it to Github. The only way to be sure is to look at what’s actually on the registry.

When it’s easy to work securely, people are more likely to do it., is another step towards improving Ruby’s security story by letting you generate diffs from any browser and share them as links. This also lends itself to automation: now you can connect Diffend with your Gemfile and make dependency audits a part of your workflow. We hope this will inspire the community with lots of new security ideas that don’t slow you down.

Is it secure?

Diffend was built with security in mind. Platform, plugin, and our gem collect the absolute minimum amount of data to provide you with the services. Both the Bundler plugin and the monitor will be open-sourced, but even now you can download and review their content.

On top of all of that, we've been super cautious about what we collect, that's why:

  1. We do not collect credentials or environment variables;
  2. We do not execute any remote code from our plugin or gem. Never.
  3. We do not access anything except the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock content.
  4. We do not send to ourselves private access keys for any non-public gems.
  5. We are working on a fully anonymous mode where we do not track public IPs

Support us!

Diffend platform is free to use. You don't even need an account to review the diffs (and you never will). If you like our platform, please consider convincing your company to support us with any amount of money. We'll just invoice you for the service usage :)

This way, with a bit of funding, we might be able to push forward many security initiatives much faster.

What’s next?

At the moment we are working on several things:

  • Open-sourcing the plugin and the monitor,
  • Real-time production / staging based context aware Slack and e-mail notifications about new risks,
  • Improved heuristics and detection capabilities,
  • Modified Ruby VM for network tracking analysis with pre-execution permissions,
  • Ruby process behaviour tracking,
  • Open-sourcing several of the components for self-service,
  • Fully anonymous mode without collecting any public data.

Diffend is a platform in an alpha stage and under massive development. Some functionalities may not work on every operating system, and some other features may not be available or may be broken. We are working hard to fix and improve the platform, which is why we are counting on your feedback so that we can meet your exact needs faster!

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